Deciding to embark on a solo travel adventure is truly one of the most ecstatic feelings one can experience. It’s a roller coaster ride of emotions, new friendships, and lifelong memories. However, a lot of things can go wrong, especially if you are traveling alone… That’s why it’s important to do your research beforehand and plan your trip well.

In this blog post, I will share my personal experience of traveling to Asia as a solo female traveler. This was my second solo trip in 2019, and my first time in Asia. To clarify, I say “second time” because I traveled to Madrid alone for a week when I was 18. However, that trip was far from perfect, and traveling to Asia for a month is something else entirely. So I will leave Madrid in the past and focus on Asia… 😀

I will share my personal experiences and do my best to answer many frequently asked questions about traveling alone. I hope this blog will give you an insight into the world of solo travel and maybe even inspire you!


Personally, I have always admired solo travelers and have followed various communities of solo travelers on social media. Perhaps in some ways, I have gotten a lot of inspiration and encouragement from these groups. I have read many inspirational blogs and talked to many people about their experiences. After a few years of admiration, I decided that this is something I need to do.

Although, honestly, I did not expect to plan my journey as quickly and drastically as I did. I had originally signed up to volunteer community work in Sri Lanka for a month. However, due to the unfortunate Easter bombing in Sri Lanka on April 21, 2019, my program was canceled. I was devastated because after a lot of planning and booking my flights, I knew I would lose a lot of money.

Although I had the opportunity to do another project with PMGY, I realized that this was my chance to do something completely different and unexpected.

After a sleepless night, I decided to plan a completely new itinerary through Asia and change my plane tickets. I was scared, but I knew this was going to be my very own solo adventure that I have seen so many others do. I was ready to step out of my comfort zone. I was going to do it, no one is going to stop me or talk me out of it.

I believed it would help me grow and prove myself as a person in many ways. I saw it as a challenge and encouragement to myself and others to be brave and adventurous. I believe everyone should challenge themselves at some point in their lives, whether on a solo journey or in some other way.

If you want to get some tips on planning your first trip to Asia, check out PLANNING YOUR FIRST TRIP TO ASIA: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW


Honestly, there will always be someone who will tell you ‘You are crazy, don’t do it’. It may be your parents, your partner, or even your best friend. You may be confident in your decision, but others will not understand it, and that’s totally okay!

I can not tell you exactly how to handle it, but I can only warn you about this potential challenge. As long as you are 100% sure of your decision, have done your research, and organized your trip well, you will be fine. If you feel assured and confident in your plan, it will be easier to reassure others of your decision.

I advise you to leave as many details as possible. Write down your flight numbers, hotel names, some tour activities, and other useful information. This will not only help put others at ease but may also be useful for your safety should something happen.


I had planned a four-week itinerary. I was going to Dubai, Singapore, Vietnam, and Cambodia. To say the least, it was an ambitious and busy itinerary, but I made it work. 😀

Arriving in Dubai I was exhausted, scared, and excited all at the same time! First of all, I have never taken a flight that lasted longer than 4 hours, secondly, the heat in Dubai was so intense, and to top it all off, the wheels on my 25kg luggage just broke… In the end, I had to drag my luggage everywhere until I arrived at my hotel. Perhaps, this was not the perfect start I had hoped for this trip…

The funny thing is that you don’t realize the reality of this trip until you are standing in the middle of the airport, in a foreign country, on the other side of the world.

It’s normal to go through a roller coaster of emotions and not know exactly what to expect, but just trust your instincts and hope for the best. It’s important to prepare yourself mentally for a trip like this, especially if it’s your first time traveling alone – because it can be overwhelming.


A well-planned itinerary, lots of research, and good organizing will always make you feel more reassured and at ease for things to go smoothly!


In short answer, Asia is known to be one of the safest destinations for solo travelers, especially Southeast Asia. It is a well known backpacking destination and favorited by many solo travelers for many reasons.

However, that being said, I do want to discuss some important things you should be aware of, and some unfortunate events that I had to experience… For this part, I will mainly focus on the safety of being a solo female traveler in particular. However, regardless of your gender, you should always be cautious of your surroundings and follow the general travel safety rules no matter where you travel.

In general, for most of my trip, I felt quite safe in all the locations I visited. However, some felt safer than others. I felt especially safe in Dubai and Singapore. That being said, there were a few strangers in Dubai giving me invitations to ‘VIP parties‘. Once I started researching the location of the party, it seemed like an isolated hotel far from Dubai , which was very questionable. I never intended to attend any of these ‘parties’ in the first place, but I was curious to do my research! If you happen to get any invitations to VIP parties in Dubai or elsewhere, I strongly suggest checking out all the facts first!

The biggest thing you will have to get used to when traveling alone as a female – is unwanted attention and uncomfortable stares. Unfortunately, this is something you cannot avoid or change. The best way to cope with it is to ignore it or presume positive intent… Bear in mind, some of these people have never seen someone outside of their country, perhaps they are staring at you because they are curious and not because they have bad intentions. This is something you consistently have to keep in mind. At times it can be very overwhelming and feel threatening, but most of the time, that is not the case!


Another challenge solo travelers are often faced with, is being targeted for various tourist scams. Many vendors will want to approach you and sell you overpriced items or dodgy services. Although most vendors tend to approach any tourist they see, they particularly like to take advantage of solo female travelers. They can be extremely consistent and demanding. This is something that overwhelmed me at times and made me avoid many markets and particular areas.

I will admit, I fell for some of them… not because I was particularly interested in the items they were selling, but rather saw it as ‘if I buy it, they will leave me alone’. So, my conclusion, practice repeating ‘no, thank you‘ and just keep walking no matter what. Don’t let them intimidate you and don’t let this ruin your day! Normally, they mean no harm and it’s mainly about them wanting to make a sale.

Other common scams include pickpocketers, fake luggage fees for public transport, overpriced taxi rides, and demanding money for taking photos. If you want to know more about the most common scams in Vietnam, I recommend reading Scams In Vietnam: Read Before You Visit by Backpackers Wanderlust! A lot of these scams repeat throughout southeast Asia, so this article can be very helpful to prepare for your trip in general.

If you want to know how I got scammed while traveling solo, I strongly suggest reading HOW I GOT SCAMMED IN VIETNAM

My intent in sharing the above posts is not to put you off traveling solo, but rather to raise awareness of these notorious scams, so you know better for your trip. This can happen to anyone, anywhere. I believe these things can be a matter of bad luck. One thing I learned, always trust your instincts and be aware of your surroundings!


Traveling alone can sometimes feel difficult, especially if you are used to being with family and friends most of the time. But do not worry, it’s totally normal to feel lonely some days, particularly if you are traveling alone for the first time! Sometimes it just takes a few days to get adjusted until you begin to truly enjoy your trip. On other days, you may feel like being alone is the best thing you can do. In the end, this trip will feel anything but lonely, trust me!

The key to solo travel is not to always be alone – but to put yourself out there! Do not be afraid to connect with other fellow travelers, especially those who are also traveling solo! You’ll meet lots of backpackers in hostels, on day trips, at markets, and pretty much everywhere! Most travelers are more than happy to talk, have a drink, and explore together. You’ll be surprised how many friends you’ll make from all over the world by the end of your trip! That’s the best part about traveling alone – you are not really alone, you are always making travel friends along the way!

Another advantage of traveling alone is that you get to make all the decisions yourself. You can design the itinerary exactly the way you want it. You can be spontaneous and adventurous about your choices. Sometimes you meet people with different travel plans and decide to join them for a day or two. You do not have to compromise with anyone about your travel plans! You are completely free to make your trip whatever you want it to be – that’s something I really enjoyed about traveling alone!


It is very common for solo travelers to stay in hostels. There are many reasons why it’s so popular. Traveling alone and not having anyone to share your travel costs with, can quickly add up. For this reason, many solo travelers choose hostels. Hostels are extremely affordable, and usually in convenient central locations. Another benefit to hostels – they will allow you to meet other fellow travelers. Usually, a good hostel will have plenty of social areas – a bar, swimming pool, some gaming areas, and some chilling spots. This is the perfect environment to make some new travel buddies!

Hostels are also considered safe, especially for female solo travelers. Normally there is a 24-hour reception desk and a good security system. However, that being said, I recommend always keeping all your important belonging stored in the locker.


When choosing a hostel, make sure to check for luggage storage and lockers for personal belongings! If you want some privacy, look for hostels that have curtains over the beds!

If you have never stayed in a hostel before and feel unsure about it, diversify your stays! Try booking a hostel for a day or two to see what it’s like, then book a hotel for another night or so. This will give you some time to adjust and see what type of accommodation you prefer. Personally, I was not sure how I’d feel about staying in a hostel for a whole month, so I took a few breaks in between with a nice hotel room now and then! Overall, I really enjoyed staying in hostels! Though, hostels may not be for everyone, but you won’t know till you try a few!

On a side note, choosing a good hostel makes a big difference! Do not let a bad experience scare you off. I plan to write a separate blog post about all the hostels I stayed at and how to choose the best one. In the meantime, you can check out FINDING BUDGET-FRIENDLY ACCOMMODATION.


In conclusion, traveling alone is one of the greatest things you can do! Although it may seem challenging at times, it’s extremely self rewarding. You will be surprised how much you will learn about yourself. It will give you a new spark of adventure, and memories you will cherish forever.

the words ‘traveling solo‘ can sometimes specifically scare female travelers. Don’t let one bad experience or a negative story you heard put you off it. I know there are many dangers in this world and unfortunate events that happen daily. I truly believe you should not let this stop you from living your dreams, regardless of your gender. As I mentioned, no matter where you travel, always follow the general safety rules and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.

The biggest challenge I had to face on my trip, was getting robbed. I will be honest, I contemplated my whole trip for that evening and felt defeated. Regardless of the situation, I tried to look at the positive. I kept reminding myself how much courage, planning, and expenses it took me to make this trip happen. Will I let this ruin my trip? I sobbed for an hour or two, I slept on it, and I woke up the next day and chose to let it go!

I encountered expenses I didn’t anticipate, lost money on airlines that went bankrupt, broke my luggage on the first day in Dubai, fell for overpriced items and got left behind on a tour bus (thankfully they came back for me eventually 😀 ). Nonetheless, there were so much positive, that now, I can only laugh about the negative! Make sure to keep a strong and positive mindset – and you’ll be alright! That is my best advice to you!

I’m hoping to make a few more useful blogs about solo traveling shortly. I hope you found this post helpful and inspiring. Feel free to message me on Instagram with any questions about my trip or for some words of encouragement! 😉

Courage & Independence – Sam (2019)

My last post on my solo trip.

‘Dear ladies, you are stronger and fiercer than you look or feel. Don’t limit yourself to great things because you are ‘just a girl’. Same to you men. ‘

with love, Sam <3


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Hi there! Welcome to my travel blog. My name is Samanta, but you can call me Sam! I am looking forward to becoming great travel pals!



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